Perhaps you are find yourself at a beautiful website, of a beautiful band, and you ask yourself, how did I get here?

This is question of such importance in the age of technology. So many times, the whim of a moment can blow us like dust mote in the wind to highest point in all of the city, and we see ourselves looking out over a whole of technology landscape: Blogs arrayed in pattern like poorly planned gulag of ideas. And then the wind comes back and like dust mote we are settling on something we are just heard of. What is it?

Soviet 4th Grader, the most experimenting band of musicians from Old Country also from Missoula, MT.

You may say to yourself, "This is not the punk music of my Dead Kennedys, this is not my punk music of the Ramones."

Let me tell you a story of American TV, which I think will help make sense of this new landing place for the speck of dust which is not part of internet browsing history. I explain this dust, just as I explain the beach.

In 2009 (shortly before the first migration of Stanislavs to America), a new television program began on the state TV: Everybody Loves Nikolai. A story of family, and the struggles there are in families. But also the laughs.

Is not a perfect translation. In America, as we learn after the migration, the testicle kicking is not as beloved as in Old Country. Here, maybe instead, a better thing to do is to deliver a cream pie in the face. But in Old Country, everybody loves testicle kicking. Maybe is part of declining birthrate? But we are willing pay a price for comedy. And now, we are deliver our music to America, and hope that they are willing pay a price for punk. Even if our English is measles.

And so, you have landed a dust speck on a new place, a new music, a new world. Welcome to the invention of Soviet 4th Grader.